I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

Thursday, March 25, 2010

18 blobs...

Our first follicle check for this cycle went great! The nurse counted around 18 follicles (aka black blobs) and they are all measuring right on track for where they should be. (at this point in cycle 1 I had about 22 and then we had 25 eggs retrieved...so there definitely could be more than 18 lingering around in there) I got my bloodwork results back this afternoon and all of my hormone levels are all in the normal range. It's always such a huge sigh of relief to get these calls. Just because the ultrasound shows one things doesn't always necessarily mean the bloodwork will match up. So you play the waiting game each day to get those confirming phone calls. The plan now is for us to go back on Sunday morning for the next follicle check. (for those of you new to reading the blog since last cycle...they do see patients 7 days a week...they are at the mercy of our bodies!) Depending on how the follicles measure on Sunday will determine when egg retrieval will be. They might want me to come back on Monday morning to check again...or they might go ahead and schedule the retrieval for a couple days later. It's just a "wait and see" type of situation. So for now, I just continue on with the daily shots and then Sunday Jason and I both start a round of antibiotics.  Just another preventative to make sure we are in tip top shape.

I SO appreciate all the kind words you all are sending to me...text messages...facebook messages....emails...I welcome them all and they make me feel so loved and lifted up. This process is a tough one emotionally, and physically and it just helps so much to know what a support system we have...through the great times...and the crappy times. But let's just focus on the great times!!!!!!!!!! I've had such a great feeling about this lately and I just pray it's God preparing my heart for the blessings to come in the following weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kara! Thanks so much for the comment! I just read your 1st IVF try and cried almost the whole time! It truly was a great inspiration to me that you stayed so calm and poised throughtout all of it. (AND - I didn't know about them enema until I read it in your post! EWWW! haha) I'm so nervous about tomorrow and what it will reveal. What time is your appt? Maybe we'll see each other! I pray that God will bless this cycle for both of us!!
