I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Whatever normal is...

I got a call this afternoon from the doctor's office. All my bloodwork from last week came back....it was all normal. Normally this is a good thing and don't get me wrong...I'm glad nothing is wrong....but there was a part of Jason and I that were hoping something would come back showing an answer. Some sort of explaination for my poor quality eggs. But we have no answers and probably will never get an answer. Frankly, there just aren't any more tests they can run to determine any other problems. All this does is bring the emotion of this whole experience to the surface again. Emotionally I feel like I take two steps forward and then two steps back. I know God is closing this door....but opening a window. That is how I feel....but I'm still struggling with the anger and frustration of it all. On top of all of this I'm battling a cold or a sinus infection or something.....and I've just felt yuck. I started on a z-pack this afternoon so hopefully that will help me feel better. I'm ready to just feel back to normal....whatever normal is.

On another note...Jason and I are headed to Atlanta this weekend for Resolve's Family Building Conference . We don't really know what to expect...but we are excited about this event. We hope we can walk away with some valuable information and maybe some additional understanding of our situation. In just the short time of becoming involved with the organization Resolve, I've made some new friends. They all need prayer right now...all for different reasons. I know God brought all these women into my life and I'm honored to now be a part of their lives.

On a BRIGHT note...Jason and I are officially paid up for our Bahamas trip in June. The weight loss journey has begun...however, this nasty cold has set me back just a bit. :( 7 weeks to tropical bliss........

Thank you all for your continued prayers for our journey.


  1. Hi Kara, its Liz from Resolve, I think I have commented one other time before. Just letting you know that my husband and I are also going to the Family building conference this weekend. I am really excited about it. We are crazy and are getting up super early and driving over Saturday morning. I hope you guys get alot out of the weekend and maybe we will see you there.

  2. Hey Liz! Yes....sorry I don't think I responded to your comment from last time. I will keep my eye out for you Saturday. Hopefully you are coming to the meeting on Monday night as well.
