I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

Saturday, April 3, 2010

And then there were FOUR!

Got a message early this morning from one of the embryologists. We now have FOUR cleaved embryos! One of the "unresponsive" embryos from Thursday pulled through and caught up to the other 3. So...for now we have 4 embies growing. (it's so crazy to me that 4 potential babies are growing in a petridish across town and not inside my body...) They said all 4 are in the grade range they like to see for this time...although, they didn't tell me what grade. I can't get a hold of anyone there now so I'm just going on what the voicemail told me. Still, anything can happen between now and Monday's transfer. We could get there any only have 1 viable embryo...or we could have all 4...it just depends. I'm really working on reminding myself that God has this under control. There is nothing Jason and I can do at this point except wait for our appointment on Monday.

The greatest miracle of all is being celebrated this weekend....I pray that Easter will always remind Jason and I of another great miracle as well. A child.


  1. That's great Kara! We are praying for you! Stay postive and enjoy this wonderful weekend with your family. God is good!

  2. That is GREAT news Kara!!! :)
