I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Prayers for an answer...

I go back tomorrow morning for another round of blood work. And praying that this test reveals an answer. Is our precious child growing inside of me....or is God telling us it's not time yet? Either way we just pray for an answer...some clarity... Each part of this process I think is the hardest....this waiting is definitely the hardest. Such uncertainty...wanting to be positive...but also wanting to prepare for either outcome. Yes, I know that if this cycle didn't work that we have another chance...but it's not that easy. I know I've said it before, but this is such an emotional and physical demanding process. My body is being pumped full of all sorts of things. Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't trade it for anything. We are doing this for a child, but it's emotionally and physically exhausting. At this point in time I'm still taking progesterone shots in the hips, every night. My hips are so sore it hurts when I sit down...it hurts when I lay on my side in bed...it just plain hurts. And the daily headaches....and my back is killing me...AHHH!!!!!!

Sorry for the complaining...I know I haven't done much of it on here, but it's just what's on my mind at the present moment. Pray for me to be calm and hopeful, and not focus on the pain.

Stay tuned....hopefully tomorrow we will have the results.

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