This morning we went back to the doctor (yes, they see you even on weekends) for another sonogram and more bloodwork. This particular nurse counted about 30 black blogs (a.k.a. follicles)! They are measuring right on track, just as they should be. They aren't "mature" yet...but they shouldn't be this soon. And for all those interested....we got some pictures of those cute little black blobs. The average size of them right now is around 1.5 cm. So, here is a picture of my left and right ovaries. Keep in mind this is just one view of they move the probe around you see more and more so this is the best shot the nurse could get to show a bunch of them at one time. As just as I've said....they are black blobs! LOL!
So, what now? We go back Monday morning first thing for another ultrasound and more bloodwork. And my estradiol level I mentioned in the last post? well Thursday it was it was 1869.7! It's crazy how quickly these numbers jump up! Today's nurse guessed that retrieval will be Wednesday...but that is still subject to change. Could be Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Either way we are so close to the next significant stage of our journey. I'm getting nervous feelings that I haven't felt before! And to quote my sweet sister...I see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Let me get back to the picture for a second...This is not - AND I REPEAT...THIS IS NOT a potential picture of Kara & Jason - Octo-parents! We will at the most be transferring two embryos....not 8 like that crazy lady. Our lives will not become a reality show. (sorry Emily!)
I hope this gives you all a bit more insight to the process....a little glimpse into what we have been getting to see. To some these are private moments only shared between a husband and wife...but I've chosen to make this information public.....for all interested to read. I don't regret one minute of sharing all of this either. What I thought was going to be a very scary experience has actually turned into an extremely uplifting experience. I feel certain I wouldn't feel this way, if I haven't shared. Many of you have emailed me questions...please, please, please - if you ever have a question about any of this don't hesitate to ask me.
Hugs and love to you all!
Yeah Kara! I am so excited reading your blog. I had no clue this happened so fast - however I am sure it probably feels really slow from your perspective. I can't wait to see how this week goes for yall.