I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Prayer request...

Tomorrow morning I have my next doctor’s appointment. This appointment is called the suppression check. They will be drawing blood to check my estrogen level to make sure it is just that…suppressed. They will also be doing an ultrasound to make sure my lining is where it needs to be…and another lovely culture test. Ladies…if you’ve never had a culture test done, they are super fun (as I’m rolling my eyes). Ask me about it if you’d like to know…but there are men that read this blog so I’ll leave the details off for now.

So, I’m requesting prayers at this moment. Prayers that the results come back the way they need to be for us to continue on with our calendar. As long as the suppression check comes back “normal” then I will start on my STIMs medication this Sunday. So, a second shot will be added to the nightly routine. This is when Jason really has to step up to the plate (so to speak) and give the shots in my hip. While the last “practice” shot he gave me didn’t go so well….I still have confidence in him that he can do this, and do it right. Ok, maybe say some prayers about that too. :) We talked to some friends this weekend who have been through this recently (thanks J & J!) and it gave us both renewed hope that this can work and even gave Jason a bit of a confidence boost that if other men can do this…so can he.

As for how I’m feeling. My only real complaint is that I’ve been pretty tired. Yesterday (Monday) was pretty brutal….dragging tiredness throughout the day even with much needed sleep all weekend. Today I’m feeling pretty good….better than I’ve felt the past few days actually, so that is encouraging.

That’s really the only update for now. I should have another update tomorrow afternoon after the blood work comes back so check back then.

Until then….just keep the prayers comin! :)

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