I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Green light for the next step!

Today was another one of those "big step" days for this process! This morning I had blood work done and an ultrasound. The ultrasound looked "perfect" as the nurse told me. (there's that word that I love to hear) My endometrium lining is nice and thin like it should be, which means the Lupron is doing it's job...and the ovaries looked great...no cysts or anything! Praise God! The next part was waiting for the bloodwork results.....then I got the call that all my levels look great!!! Everything is in line just as it should be for this part of the process. Finally...some consistent good news! (this is not something Jason and I are used to hearing!)
So this means that I've been given the official green light to start the next round of medication...the stimulation medication. I will add this injection at night to the Lupron I'm already getting. The STIM shot is the one that Jason will have to give, so here comes the practice! We'll go on Friday to pick up the rest of the medication from the "baby making pharmacy" that I like to call it. After we get all that I'll post pictures of it all so you can get a visual.
So, that shot will start this Sunday and then my next appointment is next Thursday the 20th. This appointment they will check the size of the follicles (that turn into eggs) and make a determination about the retrieval date. It could be anywhere from 3 to 7 days later depending on how they are growing. Obviously I'd rather it be on the shorter end of the spectrum...but you can't rush this process. Everything has truly fallen into place so I have to assume that this will too. With continous good news like this it only helps keep my stress and anxiety levels down....which is great!

I've written it many times in prior posts...but I wanted to say a thank you to everyone who continously checks up on me/us. The emails/Facebook messages/texts/phone calls mean so very much and truly do make this process easier to bear. Sometimes I get caught up in the "schedule" of it all and forget just how huge this is. It's such an important time in our lives....something we will never forget.


  1. YAY!!! I knew your uterus could do it!!! Girl, I am so excited that things are going well...yu've had such a positive spirit through all this and it shows so much character...my prayers are with you, dear BFF!

  2. I'm so excited to hear that!! I kept checking to see if you had posted yet. I hope everything keeps going right and you are pregnant very soon! If you need anything let m eknow. Love you girl, Morgan

  3. Wonderful News Kara! I am soo happy for you. I check on you often and am so glad you got a GOOD report. Hang in there!!! amy
